lost 70 lbs with Horizons
Gary has a story that is similar to many who struggle with weight gain – it didn’t happen all at once, but rather a gradual gain over time. After leaving the Marine Corps, Gary had a career in manufacturing for 20 years, and over that 20 year span he started to put on weight.
“You know, I didn’t really notice but I noticed my pants size going up.” Because changes in our bodies are often gradual, things like weight gain can get out of control over time. For many, there is a moment where you realize that the extra weight is a problem that must be fixed.
For Gary he says, “One day I just woke up sick. I just felt like I was sick. And I thought at one time I was going to end up on a scooter. It was hard for me to walk.”

“The ‘ah-ha’ moment came when I went on a cruise. We were walking to the beach and I noticed that my walk to the beach took 4 times as long as theirs. I had to stop every place I could to catch my breath and rest. I knew I was having trouble when I was walking through the airport. I was struggling. But then I thought, you can’t be like this Gary. There’s nothing wrong with you. The only thing that’s wrong with you is that you don’t move and you eat too much.”
This realization prompted Gary to make a change. Through the weight loss program at Horizons, Gary has been able to learn about clean eating, how to make better choices in regards to food, and has lost 70 lbs.

Everyone has different situations, reasons, and temptations when it comes to eating. For Gary, the temptations came at home, as there were (and still are) some unhealthy options. To deal with this Gary has exercised portion control. “If I see something I really like and think I gotta have it, I just get a little piece of it and keep moving. I don’t sit there and eat half of it, or ¾ of it.” A key to successful weight loss and maintenance is knowing your specific struggles and find a solution that works for you. That doesn’t necessarily mean depriving yourself from the foods you really enjoy, but it often means exercising control over the situation, which is what works for Gary.
While Gary has been successful so far, his journey isn’t over yet. He says, “Just another 10-15 lbs and I can get into a size 38 pants or something. You know, that’s where I’m trying to go and I think I’d be so much happier. I’m happy now, but I could be so much happier because I could be back to doing the things I used to do. I am absolutely going to continue on, as I’m not where I need to be.”
And that’s what it’s often about. Getting back to doing the things you used to do and enjoy. Not feeling tired and sick. Being happy with yourself. It’s definitely a journey, but with consistent hard work and a belief in yourself, you can be successful too.
Congratulations, Gary! You’re an inspiration! – Rhonda