Our goal at Horizons in 2015 is to raise awareness about the dangers of a high Body Mass Index (BMI) and help create a healthier, happier community.

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What is a BMI?

BMI is a measurement of your weight versus height, and is used an indicator of overall health.

Does it matter?

Although some people can be healthy and obese at the same time, obesity has a high association with serious and potentially fatal disorders, such as diabetes, hypertension and cancer.

What is your BMI? 

Powered by BMI Calculator

Alternatively, here is a chart so you can map your own weight and height.


What can you do to lower your BMI?

We believe that realistic changes work best. If you’re ready, you can try our weight loss program that both Dr. Rowser AND Dr. Harris have tested and boasted dramatic weight loss. Start learning about calorie counts and use apps like MyFitnessPal to get an idea of what you’re consuming. Little changes to increase activity can help too – try things like parking your car in the farthest spot from the store, or using the stairs instead of the elevator on your way out of work each day. Of course, keep following our blog throughout the year so we can help you on your journey!